Algebraic Mode Commands

To find/create points

g + "x" + "y" + "z"Create a point given its components x, y and z.
g + (point1) + (point2)Find the reflection of point1 about point2
g + (point) + . + (point)Find the midpoint between given points.
g + (point) + (line)Find the point that is the reflection of given point about given line.
g + (line) + (plane)Find the point of intersection between a line and a plane.
g + (line) + (line)Find the point of intersection between the given concurrent lines.
g + (plane) + (plane) + (plane)Find the point of intersection between three planes.
g + (point) + "d" + (line)Find the 2 points at a distance d from given point that lie in given line.

To find/create a lines

r + (point) + (point)Find the line that passes through the two given points.
r + (point) + . + (point)Find the perpendicular bisector of the given points.
r + (point) + (line)Find the line parallel to given line that contains given point
r + (point) + . + (line)Find the line orthogonal (and concurrent) to given line that contains given point
r + (point) + (plane)Find the line orthogonal to given plane that passes through given point.
r + (line) + (line)Find the angle bisector between the given concurrent lines.
r + (plane) + (plane)Find the line of intersection between the given planes.

To find/create a plane

v + (point) + (point)Find the bisecting plane between the given points.
v + (point) + (point) + (point)Find the plane that contains the given points.
v + (point) + (line)Find the plane that contains given line and given point.
v + (point) + . + (line)Find the plane orthogonal to given line that contains given point.
v + (line) + (line)Find the plane that contains the given concurrent lines.
v + (line) + . + (line)Find the bisecting plane between the given concurrent lines.
v + (plane) + (plane)Find the bisecting plane between the given concurrent planes

Other commands

d + (object)Delete object
h + (object)Hide object
Ctrl + rredo