
MonGeo provides two modes of operation:

  • Projection mode
  • Algebraic mode

The following sections describe the characteristics of each mode in detail.

Projection mode

In this mode only points, and lines can be created. The points and lines created in this mode are projections and traces of geometric objects, not the objects themselves. In this mode, one must take care to associate the pairs/triplets of drawn projections to concrete geometric objects.

This mode is most useful when setting up a drawing from data given in the form of a problem statement.

This is also the most useful mode if one wants to construct every element "by hand".

Algebraic mode

In algebraic mode one can create points, lines and planes, given preexisting elements. Back-end algebraic rules are used for this purpose.

The construction of objects created in algebraic mode is not drawn. Only the desired object is drawn through its projections.

In Projection mode the projections imply the objects. In Algebraic mode the objects imply the projections.